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Calling All Singers To Join The Easter Cantata Choir

Marlene Kotab, coordinator for the Sturgis-Area Easter Cantata, invites all adult singers to join the 2023 cantata choir. The 14th Cantata performances are slated for Palm Sunday, April 2nd and Tuesday, April 4th. Rehearsals will begin in February at Grace Lutheran Church and will continue every Sunday through March 26th. There is one Thursday evening practice on March 30th at 7:00pm. It is important to attend all of the rehearsals. Because of the Dave Martinson Big Band Concert on Sunday, February 19, another time/date will be arranged. Rehearsals will run from 1:30 – 3:00pm.

If you are interested in singing with the choir, please contact Marlene at 605-347-1375 or at [email protected]. The cantata was not held during the pandemic (2020-2022) but was considered to be a community favorite both for the audience and singers. It is one of the few opportunities for adults to sing in a large choir and is a faith-filling experience for everyone involved in the concert. Singers from the 2020 choir may still have their book, “What Love Is This,” which is the 2023 choice. Please let Marlene know if you still have your book or to reserve one and a spot in the choir.


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