The Run For Their Lives race, run, walk, stroll Mother’s Day 5K will be held on Sunday, May 12, 2024. You can participate in person or vitrually.
This event will be held at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church at 844 North 5th Street in Spearfish with the race day registration beginning at 12 noon and the run/walk beginning at 1:00 pm.
The cost is $15 for kids 12 and under and $30 for adults 13 and up. To be guaranteed a tee shirt, you must be registered by Thursday, April 25, 2024. After that, tee shirts will be given on first come first served basis.
You can find all of the information and registration by CLICKING HERE.
This is a perfect way to celebrate motherhood. Enjoy some fresh air, exercise, and the company of some of your favorite people while you honor all the mothers who are without a child on Mother’s Day.
Get a tee shirt, refreshments, prizes for overall winners, medals for age group winners, AND support Lach’s Legacy and the fight against SIDS in South Dakota!